Leadership and Governance

Associate Chairs

Portrait of Branko Kerkez

Branko Kerkez

Arthur F. Thurnau Associate Professor and Associate Department Chair of Research


Portrait of Jason McCormick

Jason McCormick

Arthur F. Thurnau Professor and Associate Department Chair of Undergraduate Programs


Portrait of Jeff Scruggs

Jeff Scruggs

Professor and Associate Department Chair of Graduate Programs

Division Chairs

Seymour Spence

Seymour M.J. Spence

Associate Professor and Division Chair of Civil Infrastructure & Systems Engineering


Portrait of Brian Ellis

Brian R. Ellis

Associate Professor and Division Chair of Environmental & Water Resources Engineering


Staff Leadership

Portrait of Matt Blank

Matt Blank

Student Services Manager


Portrait of Patricia Brainard

Patricia Brainard

Department Administrator


Portrait of Tom Yavaraski

Thomas Yavaraski

Lab Services Supervisor / EWRE Lab Manager


Portrait of Stephanie Ford

Stephanie Ford

Research Administrator Lead


Portrait of Jan Pantolin

Jan Pantolin

Technical Services Supervisor / Structures Lab Manager


Mark Kleersnyder

Desktop Support Specialist Senior


Executive Committee

Provide assistance and advice to the Chair in the management and operation of the Department

Portrait of Jason McCormick

Jason McCormick

Arthur F. Thurnau Professor and Associate Department Chair of Undergraduate Programs


Portrait of Carol Menassa

Carol Menassa

Professor and John L. Tishman CM Faculty Scholar


Portrait of Yafeng Yin

Yafeng Yin

Donald Malloure Department Chair of Civil & Environmental Engineering


CEE Standing Committees

Curriculum Committee

Evaluate proposed changes to Civil and Environmental Engineering program curricula to ensure compliance with ABET guidelines, CoE policies and program needs; review and modify course scheduling in accordance with guidelines established by the Registrar’s Office. Annually verify that the course and undergraduate program descriptions on the website are up to date. Manage course approval forms including guiding course and program approvals with the CoE curriculum committee.

Community Engagement and Empowerment Committee

Cultivate a creative community of scholars with diverse interests, knowledge and backgrounds; undertake social activities aimed at nurturing an inclusive environment in department; administer community-empowering student programs (e.g., Pelham Scholars Program); members also liaison with other standing committees to ensure coordination between this committee and other department committees.

Graduate Committee

Facilitate the review of graduate applications by department groups; recommend applicants to the department and Rackham for admission; recommend fellowship and GSRA funding decisions and review petitions as needed; review and define policies pertaining to graduate programs, enrollment, and current students. Organize visitation weekend(s) on campus for prospective students. Develop recruiting program for Master’s and PhD programs. Select graduate students for honors and awards relevant to COE and Rackham honors and awards.

Honors and Awards Committee

Nominate and prepare nomination supporting material for members of the CEE community (students, faculty, and staff) for awards and other honors (internal: college and university; external)

Information Technology and Communications Committee

Propose strategies for integrating Generative AI into both education and research; Provide guidance for the continuous enhancement of the department’s computing environment and online presence; Suggest effective communication approaches for the department; yearly coordinate with the Undergraduate Committee, Curriculum Committee and Graduate Committee to ensure web content for all programs and curricula are up to date.

Recruitment Committee

Develop and implement initiatives to boost enrollment of undergraduate and master’s students at CEE, with a focused emphasis on enhancing diversity.

Safety Committee

Ensure CEE compliance with all CoE and EHS safety standards and enforce these standards; inform department of safety concerns; ensure that all facilities users are trained and well-educated in laboratory safety; update safety information and protocols on website on an annual basis.

Strategic Implementation Committee

Designing and rolling out new initiatives aimed at amplifying research productivity in CEE, ensuring not only a standard of excellence but also fostering a culture of collaboration. Implement new programs aimed at enhancing department pursuit of strategic directions in research, education and outreach; invest in laboratory upgrades to enhance capabilities to pursue strategic directions; track metrics associated with the impacts of each department strategic direction.

Undergraduate Committee

Evaluate and modify Civil and Environmental Engineering undergraduate curricula for compliance with ABET-established guidelines, CoE policies and program needs. Maintain curriculum assessment records for periodic review; keep up with changes in the accreditation requirements; make recommendations as needed to maintain accreditation compliance and help in the preparation of for ABET reviews; perform periodic curriculum assessment; Make decisions on CEE or CoE undergraduate scholarship awards (June/July/August, depending when information from CoE is distributed).

Ad Hoc Committees

CEE Alumni Engagement and Partnerships Committee

Develop and implement initiatives to enhance alumni engagement.

Richart-Woods Lecture

Select annual Richart Lecturer and organize Richart Lecture during Winter semester; develop plan for additional invited speakers as part of a broader Richart Lecture Series for CEE.

Harris Lecture

Select annual Harris Lecturer and organize Harris Lecture for fall; develop plan for additional invited speakers as part of a broader Harris Lecture Series for CEE.

Modern bell tower viewed through autumn leaves covered in snow
A winter storm hits North Campus, Ann Arbor, and surrounding areas on November 11, 2019. Photo: Joseph Xu/Michigan Engineering, Communications & Marketing

Standard Operating Practices

Learn about the nuts and bolts of the department’s operation.