Category: Awards
Dr. Patricia Mokhtarian Delivers 2025 Richart-Woods Distinguished Lecture
Her research explores the feasibility and effectiveness of integrating attitudinal variables into regional travel demand forecasting models, demonstrating how behavioral insights can refine transportation planning and policy development.
Janelle Cramer and Mark Kleersnyder Receive College of Engineering Staff Incentive Award
Honored for their dedication, leadership, and contributions to CEE and the College of Engineering
John Hiltz Receives 2024 U-M CEE Alumni Merit Award
Recognizing a Distinguished Career in Community Advancement and Engineering Excellence
Chris Cook Receives CoE Michigander of the Year Award
Chris Cook was selected as the recipient for the 2024 Michigan Engineering Michigander Award.
CEE Associate Professor Ann Jeffers has been awarded the Willie Hobbs Moore Achievement Award by Women in Science and Engineering (WISE)
The accolade recognizes individuals who have demonstrated remarkable perseverance and dedication in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).
CEE Chair Yafeng Yin Named Donald Cleveland Collegiate Professor of Engineering
Congratulations to Professor Yin on reaching this milestone in his career.
Dr. Iris D. Tommelein Presents 2024 Harris Lecture
The R.B. Harris Lecture and Award was established by CEE in honor of Robert B. Harris, Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Michigan from 1947 to 1987.
Associate Professor Neda Masoud Wins CoE Vulcan Education Excellence Award
Her achievements exemplify CEE’s dedication to academic distinction and commitment to nurturing student potential.
U-M CEE Prof. Henry Liu Formally Recognized as the Bruce D. Greenshields Collegiate Professor of Engineering
Much like Greenshields, Professor Liu has adorned his career with significant contributions to transportation studies and traffic engineering.
Emeritus Professor Robert D. Hanson Earns EERI’s George W. Housner Medal for Career-Long Contributions to Earthquake Safety
CEE Emeritus Professor Robert D. Hanson will receive the prestigious 2024 Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI)’s George W. Housner Medal on April 11th, 2024. This distinguished award honors Professor Hanson’s outstanding contributions to earthquake safety including his stellar research, educational efforts, and essential international cooperation. Across his 40-year academic career, Hanson’s pioneering works in the…
The Graham Institute Awards New Catalyst Grant to CEE Assistant Professor
CEE would like to congratulate Assistant Professor Atiyya Shaw for being awarded one of the new Catalyst grants from the Graham Institute. Shaw and her team are researching existing biases in transportation planning, many of which underrepresent communities of color and individuals with lower incomes — groups who are often significant users of sustainable transportation…
Pat Brainard: CEE’s Proactive Advocate for Diversity and Inclusion Honored with University-Wide Award
Pat has been with the University of Michigan since 2005 and has spent her time at the university serving as a leader who has long supported initiatives for diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Three CEE staff members receive 2023 CoE Staff Incentive Award
We are excited to honor Matt Blank, Sherry Brueger, and Tom Yavaraski.
CEE PhD Candidate Wins Runner-Up Award at NSF Workshop
Hongrui Yu, a CEE PhD candidate, has received the runner-up award for her poster titled “Improving Inclusivity in the Construction Workforce Through Co-Robotic Training in Human-in-the-Loop Digital Twins” which she presented as part of the NSF Workshop on “The Role of Emerging Technologies in Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) Education” held in conjunction with the…
Kate Kusiak Galvin Receives Staff Excellence Award
CEE Senior Project Manager Kate Kusiak Galvin receives a CoE Staff Excellence Award from Alec D. Gallimore, the Robert J. Vlasic Dean of Engineering, the Richard F. and Eleanor A. Towner Professor, an Arthur F. Thurnau Professor, and a professor of aerospace engineering.
U-M CEE Has Strong Performance in U.S. News & World Report Grad School Rankings
Civil is #5; Environmental is #2
Assistant Prof. Evgueni Filipov to Receive 2023 Leonardo da Vinci Award
ASCE EMI Award is highest given to junior faculty.
Prof. Lut Raskin Receives Simon W. Freese Environmental Engineering Award
ASCE’s Environmental and Water Resources Institute awards this honor.
Chi Epsilon Inducts 10 New Members
Civil and Environmental Engineering Honor Society continues tradition established at UM in 1949.
Kate Kusiak Galvin Receives CoE Staff Excellence Award
Event Honors Colleagues for Service, Commitment