Author: Civil and Environmental Engineering
Forging Sustainable Futures: New Construction Management and Sustainability Program Introduces Inaugural Cohort of Scholars
The Construction Management and Sustainability Scholars Program (CMSSP) housed within U-M CEE introduces a new chapter in educating future leaders in sustainable construction management. Thanks to the generous support of Dan and Sheryl Tishman through the Northlight Foundation, the program is a hub where committed students can acquire the knowledge and skills to bring about…
Transforming how communities treat and perceive wastewater
CEE-Led Research Part of NSF Grant to Advance Equitable Water Solutions
Associate Professor Neda Masoud Wins CoE Vulcan Education Excellence Award
Her achievements exemplify CEE’s dedication to academic distinction and commitment to nurturing student potential.
U-M CEE Prof. Henry Liu Formally Recognized as the Bruce D. Greenshields Collegiate Professor of Engineering
Much like Greenshields, Professor Liu has adorned his career with significant contributions to transportation studies and traffic engineering.
Emeritus Professor Robert D. Hanson Earns EERI’s George W. Housner Medal for Career-Long Contributions to Earthquake Safety
CEE Emeritus Professor Robert D. Hanson will receive the prestigious 2024 Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI)’s George W. Housner Medal on April 11th, 2024. This distinguished award honors Professor Hanson’s outstanding contributions to earthquake safety including his stellar research, educational efforts, and essential international cooperation. Across his 40-year academic career, Hanson’s pioneering works in the…
The Graham Institute Awards New Catalyst Grant to CEE Assistant Professor
CEE would like to congratulate Assistant Professor Atiyya Shaw for being awarded one of the new Catalyst grants from the Graham Institute. Shaw and her team are researching existing biases in transportation planning, many of which underrepresent communities of color and individuals with lower incomes — groups who are often significant users of sustainable transportation…
2023 CEE Review Now Available
U-M CEE’s 2023 edition of the CEE Review magazine has made its way to mailboxes nationwide. If you haven’t received a print copy, please click the link to our PDF to read the magazine online in its entirety. If you would like a print copy you can pick one up at the CEE Main Office. This year’s theme…
Three CEE staff members receive 2023 CoE Staff Incentive Award
We are excited to honor Matt Blank, Sherry Brueger, and Tom Yavaraski.
CEE Introduces the Construction Management and Sustainability Scholars Program: Invites Applications for 2023-24
Bridging Construction and Sustainability: CEE Invites Applications for Innovative Scholars Program
Unleash Your Creativity in CEE’s Social Media Photo & Video Contest
The IT & Recruitment committee is excited to invite you to participate in our Social Media Image/Video Competition. We are looking for fun, informative and interesting images/videos that represent our department. Whether it’s about your classes, student groups, research, or any other CEE related activities, we want to see it! Prizes:• Best Overall: $100• Best…
CEE’s Professor Vineet Kamat Inducted into National Academy of Construction
Recognizing Prof. Kamat’s Pioneering Contributions to Construction Automation and Robotics
CEE Associate Professor Evgueni Filipov chosen for Simons Foundation Pivot Fellowship
CEE Associate Professor Leading Innovation in Regenerative Infrastructure with Simons Foundation Pivot Fellowship
Regents Approve New CEE Professorships
Yafeng Yin and Henry Liu Honored with New Professorships at University of Michigan
Paul Ajegba Receives the Alumni Merit Award
Former CEEFA Board President and MDOT Director, Paul C. Ajegba, Honored with 2023 Alumni Merit Award
Professor Young Hoon Kwak presents Tishman Distinguished Lecture
We thank Prof. Kwak for making the time to visit our department.
The Center for Risk Analysis Informed Decision Engineering Joins CEE
Developed to enhance risk-informed decision-making, RAIDE aims to identify, assess, and mitigate risks across multiple disciplines.
Norfolk Academy students visit CEE
Students all the way from Norfolk, Virginia made the trip to visit our department.
CEE PhD Candidate Wins Runner-Up Award at NSF Workshop
Hongrui Yu, a CEE PhD candidate, has received the runner-up award for her poster titled “Improving Inclusivity in the Construction Workforce Through Co-Robotic Training in Human-in-the-Loop Digital Twins” which she presented as part of the NSF Workshop on “The Role of Emerging Technologies in Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) Education” held in conjunction with the…
CEEFA Board welcomes new president, VP and board members
Board members seek greater input from alumni.
Multidisciplinary team collaborates on workshop to develop Low Carbon Building R+D Initiative
Cross-unit collaboration seeks to create a strategic vision to address research opportunities.