Category: Civil and Environmental Engineering
Neda Masoud Selected for an ExCEEd Teaching Fellowship
Civil and Environmental Engineering Assistant Professor, Neda Masoud, has been selected as a 2018 ExCEEd Teaching Fellow.
Caroline Van Steendam Awarded Rackham Fellowship
Civil and Environmental Engineering PhD student Caroline Van Steendam, has been awarded a Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship.
Two CEE Professors win NSF CAREER Awards
Assistant Professors Branko Kerkez and Seymour Spence have each been selected to receive a 2018 National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award.
CEE ASCE Student Chapter Tours Chicago
The U-M student chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) traveled to Chicago for their annual trip on February 2-4.
Branko Kerkez Receives Chi Epsilon Teaching Excellence Award
Assistant Professor, Branko Kerkez, has been selected to receive the 2018 Chi Epsilon Great Lakes District Excellence in Teaching Award.
Sampurna Datta Receives Barbour Centennial Award
CEE PhD student Sampurna Datta has been selected to receive the Barbour Centennial Award.
CEE Students Awarded Rackham Predoctoral Fellowships
Three Civil and Environmental Engineering PhD students have been awarded the Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship.
Byungjoo Choi Awarded Towner Prize for Distinguished Academic Achievement
CEE PhD candidate, Byungjoo Choi, has been awarded the Richard F. and Eleanor A. Towner Prize for Distinguished Academic Achievement.
Alumna Nadine Kotlarz Wins First Place Academic Achievement Award
Recent CEE graduate, Nadine Kotlarz, has received the First Place Academic Achievement Award for the Best Doctoral Dissertation from the American Water Works Association (AWWA).
CEE’s Kate Dowdell Awarded AWWA Fellowship
Environmental Engineering PhD student, Kate Dowdell, has been awarded a fellowship for water quality and treatment research from the Michigan Section of the American Water Works Association (MI-AWWA).
Jason McCormick honored as Arthur F. Thurnau Professor
Associate Professor Jason McCormick has been recognized for his outstanding contributions to undergraduate education.
CEE Alumnus Elected to National Academy of Engineering
Environmental Engineering Professor and CEE alumnus, Pedro Alvarez, has been elected to the National Academy of Engineering (NAE).
NGTS Faculty and MiTSO Attend TRB Transportation Meeting
A group from the Michigan Transportation Student Organization (MiTSO), along with six CEE faculty members, traveled to D.C. to learn more about the latest issues and innovations involving transportation.
Extensive Updates for Analytical Lab Equipment
Civil and Environmental Engineering is finishing up the installation of extensive upgrades to the lab equipment in the Core Analytical Facility in the Environmental and Water Resources Engineering (EWRE) building.
Emily Crossette Awarded $10,000 ITiMS Grant
The Integrated Training in Microbial Systems (ITiMS) program awarded doctoral student Emily Crossette with a $10,000 mini-grant to evaluate the dynamics of antimicrobial resistant genes in manure management systems.
Professor Wigginton selected for Department Excellence Award
Assistant Professor Krista Rule Wigginton has been selected by the CEE Honors and Awards Committee to receive the 2018 Department Excellence Award.
Professor Spence Receives John F. Ullrich Education Excellence Award
Professor Seymour M. J. Spence has been honored with the 2017-2018 John F. Ullrich Education Excellence Award.
Professor Woods Receives Edward Law Emeritus/Emerita Outstanding Service Award
CEE Emeritus Professor, Dick Woods, was named the recipient of the 2017-2018 Edward Law Emeritus/Emerita Outstanding Service Award.
Distinguished U-M CEE alum Feyyaz Berker passes
Berker (MSC CE ’48) passed on August 22, 2017. He was a prolific entrepreneur and pioneer in the Turkish construction engineering industry.
3-D Full Waveform Tomography for Sinkhole Identification
Two former Civil and Environmental geotechnical engineering doctoral students, Kenneth Stokoe and Dennis Hiltunen, collaborated to present a workshop on three dimensional (3-D) characterization of the underground.