Category: Faculty
Emeritus Prof. Nowak Awarded Honorary Doctoral Degree
On Nov. 15, 2017 Civil and Environmental Engineering Emeritus Professor, Andrzej (Andy) Nowak, received an honorary doctoral degree, Doctoris Honoris Causa, from the Politechnika Warszawska (Warsaw University of Technology), Poland.
Branko Kerkez selected as NAE Gilbreth Lecturer
CEE Assistant Professor, Branko Kerkez, has been selected by the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) as a 2018 Gilbreth Lecturer, a lectureship recognizing outstanding young American engineers.
Dimitrios Zekkos wins Shamsher Prakash Research Award
Dr. Dimitrios Zekkos, Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, has won the 2017 Shamsher Prakash Research Award.
Dimitrios Zekkos’ Team Use Drones to Aid Archaeology
Dimitrios Zekkos and some of his students spent part of the 2016 summer in northeastern Greece.
Menassa Receives ASCE’s Alfred Noble Prize
Carol Menassa has been selected to receive the Alfred Noble Prize from the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).
Prof. Henry Liu and Michigan Traffic Lab Featured in Forbes
University Of Michigan deploys augmented reality system to aid testing of automated vehicles.
Emeritus Professor Richard Woods named to the NSF’s Network Independent Advisory Committee
Prof. Woods has been appointed to the Network Independent Advisory Committee to oversee the NHERI Network for a five-year term beginning May 1, 2017.
Professor Kamat Receives the CII Distinguished Professor Award
Professor Vineet R. Kamat was the 2017 recipient of the Distinguished Professor Award from the Construction Industry Institute (CII). Professor Kamat was presented with the award during the CII Annual Conference on August 1 in Orlando, Fl.
Commemorating a career: Steven Wright retires
CEE Professor Steven Wright retires after 40 years of service.
Carol Menassa receives the 2017 Daniel W. Halpin Award
Associate CEE Professor Carol Menassa was selected as this year’s recipient of the Daniel W. Halpin Award for Scholarship in Construction on March 7, 2017.
Lutgarde Raskin receives the Jack A. Borchardt Award
Professor Lutgarde Raskin was named as this year’s recipient of the Jack A. Borchardt Award on February 21, 2017.
Distinguished lecturer embarks on water quality talk tour
Nancy Love, professor of civil & environmental engineering, embarks on a year-long water quality talk tour as a distinguished lecturer for the Association of Environmental Engineering & Science Professors Foundation.