Emad Sanei



219 EWRE


Dr. Krista Wigginton 


2024, Ph.D. in Environmental Science, Central Michigan University, USA

2019, M.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, Iran

2017, B.S. in Civil Engineering, Shahrood University of Technology, Iran

Areas of Interest

I’m passionate about utilizing experimental and modeling approaches in environmental science and engineering. Throughout my academic journey, I’ve explored a wide range of topics, including leachate treatment, solid waste management, electrochemical treatment methods, photodegradation of emerging contaminants, fabrication of photocatalytic membranes, virus detection, and more. What intrigues me most about environmental engineering is the chance to combine creativity and research to protect people and prevent environmental harm. I’m enthusiastic about venturing into new research areas and broadening my knowledge to tackle emerging environmental and health challenges.

Current Research Project

  1. Screen pathogens in indoor environments
  2. Develop novel detection methods and prediction models for virus detection