Student Services FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Where is the Student Services Office /What are the office hours?

  1. Room 2188, G.G. Brown Laboratory

  2350 Hayward St.

 Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2125

        Office Hours: Monday -Friday 8:00 am -5:00 pm

 Q: How do I transfer over a class from another institution? / How can I take classes at another college?

A: If you are planning to transfer credit from another institution please refer to the Undergraduate Handbook for more detailed information. 

In general, transfer credit will be granted provided all of the following conditions are met:

  • The course grade is a C or higher when converted to the American scale
  • The student has not received credit previously for an identical course
  • The content of the course is similar to courses offered by an appropriate academic unit of the University of Michigan – Ann Arbor.

Current U-M students and incoming transfer students can use the transfer credit equivalency database to see if the class(es) they want to take have already been approved to transfer to U-M. If a course is not listed, students may request an evaluation by completing the Transfer Credit Equivalency Request form before enrolling.

Once you have completed the course (with a “C” or better), request that an official copy of your transcript be sent to the University of Michigan, College of Engineering – Recruitment and Admissions ([email protected]). It says to allow 4-6 weeks for your transfer credit to be processed once U-M has received your transcript, so please have the transcript sent as soon as you have completed the course with a grade equivalent to a C or better. Even if deemed equivalent, the UM course cannot appear on your UM transcript until an official transcript from the home institution has been received by UM Admissions. 

Q: How can I schedule an advising appointment?

A: To schedule an appointment for academic advising, please visit our online scheduling system

  • If you are an Undergraduate Civil student, you may meet with Enrica Bernardini
  • If you are an Undergraduate Environmental student, you may meet with Christian Lastoskie

Available appointment times are colored blocks of time. All meetings are held virtually through Zoom. Please note: Please be aware of high traffic times, typically during the first three weeks of the term and during backpacking/registration. We encourage general visits outside of these peak times.

Q: How do I locate my UG Degree Planning Tools / UG Degree Audit Checklist?

A: Instructions for accessing a degree audit.

Q: How do I declare CEE? When can I declare?

A: Before a student can declare Civil and Environmental as their engineering program of study, the following requirements must be met:

  • Students must have completed at least one full term of courses on the UM Ann Arbor campus (12 credits or more and must not have withdrawn for credit to count).
  • Students must have an overall UM GPA of 2.0 or better in courses taken at the UM Ann Arbor campus and be in good standing. Students on Probation or Enrollment Withheld cannot declare a program.
  • Students must earn a “C” or better in any CoE Common Requirement course or CEE degree requirement taken prior to declaration. The most recent grade counts in repeated courses.
  • Students must have completed (with a “C” or better), or earned credit by exam or transfer for, at least one course in each of the following categories:
    • Calculus (e.g. Math 115, 116, 156)
    • Calculus-based physics lectures (e.g. Physics 140, 160) or chemistry lectures (e.g. Chemistry 130)
    • Required engineering courses (Engr 100, 101, 151)

If you have met the above requirements, please make an appointment to declare. An Advsior will review your degree audit, confirm your eligibility to declare, and complete a long-term degree plan with you.

 Q. How to Register for Classes


  • Browse through the online course catalog at to see the courses that are being offered the following term.
  • Take note of the courses you are interested in and make a preliminary schedule.
  • Schedule an appointment with an advisor to discuss your options. The advisor will guide you in the right direction to fulfill your requirements and to have a balanced load.
  • Log on to Wolverine Access and create a backpack with the courses you will be taking. At the time of (or after) your registration appointment, log on again and register for the courses you have in your backpack

Q: How do I BackPack, add/ drop, change a course to Pass/Fail, Swap, use a Class permission

A: First, you will want to check the Registrar’s Office Student Registration Deadlines and find the Add/Drop deadlines. If it is before the Add/Drop deadline, then you can add, drop, or modify a course on Wolverine Access. If it is after the Add/Drop deadline, you will have to fill out an Add/Drop/Modify form through Wolverine Access. 

Wolverine Access Tutorial

  • How to BackPack
  • How to Add a class
  • How to Late Drop/Add a class
  • How to Change a class to Pass/Fail
  • How to Swap a class 
  • How to Use a Class Permission/Override

If you are late adding or dropping a course, the professor and an ASO staff member will need to approve the online request in Wolverine Access. If you are changing a course to pass/fail, then only an ASO staff member needs to approve it. If you drop a course after the first Add/Drop deadline, you will receive a “W” on your transcript, indicating that you withdrew from the course later in the term. 

Please note: After the “Add/Drop without petition” deadline you can no longer add, drop, or modify a course without submitting a petition to the Scholastic Standing Committee.

Q. How to disenroll

  • Visit the Student Services Office and speak with a Student Services representative prior to the first day of the term. Bring photo identification when you visit the office.
  • E-mail the Office of the Registrar at [email protected] prior to the first day of the term.
    • The e-mail should include the student’s name, identification number, Academic Unit, and the term for which the student should be disenrolled.
  • The student should notify the Office of the Registrar in writing that he or she does not intend to return for the term. The letter must be postmarked or faxed to the office prior to the first day of the term.
    • Written communication should include the student’s name, identification number, Academic U(check the Academic Calendarnit, the term for which the student should be disenrolled, student signature, and a return address. Student Services Office of the Registrar, University of Michigan,1221 Beal Ave. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2102
    • The information may also be faxed to 734-763-9053.

Q. How to do a term withdrawal


  • Prior to the first day of the term check the  Academic Calendar for dates, students can disenroll from the term as described above – drop all courses with no record and cancel term tuition and fees.
  • Once the term has begun, students must contact the CoE Office of the Registrar either via email ([email protected]) or in person at Chrysler Center, Room 145A, to obtain a Term Withdrawal Notice. When emailing your request, please email from your University of Michigan email account and include your name, UM ID, and reasoning for the request (either ‘personal’ or ‘medical’).
  • Students who register and subsequently withdraw after the term begins will be responsible for the registration/disenrollment fee regardless of class attendance.

Q. Can Intellectual Breadth be Pass/Fail course?

  1. Pass/Fail Option (Elective) Elective courses used to satisfy the Intellectual Breadth requirement or courses to be used as General Electives can be taken pass/fail. A maximum of fourteen (14) credit hours can be used toward CoE degree(s) requirements. Pass/fail course elections are limited to two courses per full term (Fall or Winter) or one course in a half term (Spring or Summer). Course elections exceeding the full/half term limits will be reverted to the grade earned. Course/credit limits will be calculated in academic term order of election. Any course that is offered only on a pass/fail basis will not be counted in the above totals.

Q: How can I get involved in research?

A: Take a look at the following resources:

How should I reach out or contact people to do research in their lab?

  • Talk to mentors, faculty members, and GSIs who seem to have dedicated themselves to research; they will likely enjoy talking about it.
  • Also try talking to students you know through organizations, teams, dorms, or classes; these peers can often provide information about labs where students are treated well and are encouraged to learn and take on more responsibility. They may also know about future openings due to students graduating or due to a research project expanding.
  • Additionally, to reach out via email, we recommend putting together a couple of paragraphs about who you are and why you would be a good fit for the lab, as well as asking if they might be able to schedule a discussion about opportunities.  We would encourage you to include a resume as well and tailor the message to the faculty (e.g. I like your lab because…).  If you are not able to secure anything, make an appointment with your CEE Advisor or an ECRC Advisor about how to contact folks professionally.

Q: What are my scholarship or funding options?

A: CEE Undergraduate Student Awards

  • There are two opportunities each academic year for Civil and Environmental Engineering students to apply for a variety of awards. During the Fall term, you can apply for the College of Engineering’s Leaders and Honors Awards. During the Winter term, you can apply for the Civil Engineering Departmental Awards. All CEE students are encouraged to apply

Financial Aid Undergraduate Scholarships

  • Scholarships are awarded based on several criteria including academic achievement, personal talents, interests, leadership qualities, financial need, or a combination of these. Funding often reflects the university’s commitment to achieving a diverse student body. While a separate application is required for some scholarships, most require only your university admission application.

Private Scholarships

SMART (The Science, Mathematics, and Research for Transformation Defense Scholarship for Service Program) Scholarships

CoE Scholarships and Fellowships: Emergency Funding

  • The College recognizes that some Engineering students find themselves facing emergency expenses in order to be able to continue with their studies. The College of Engineering  Student Emergency Fund is intended to help meet the financial needs of any Michigan Engineering student who encounters an emergency situation or one-time, unusual, or unforeseen expenses during their degree program.

 Undergrad students interested in going into CEE’s graduate program

 The Undergraduate Scholars program is designed to support juniors and seniors in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering who show academic excellence, coupled with a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).

  • At the graduate level, being a Pelham Scholar provides you two semesters of free tuition. Undergraduate Pelham Scholars are not funded, but actively participate in the program’s DEI-themed events, career coaching, and mentoring. Undergraduate Scholars who stay in CEE for their Master’s degree are automatically considered for Pelham funding during their graduate degree when applying to begin their graduate studies in the fall semester.

Q: How do I enroll in an (independent study) course?

A: First, you will want to locate a professor who will supervise your project. To find a professor who is completing research in an area you’re interested in, check out the Research section of the CEE website. 

Once you have identified a professor, it is suggested that you email and/or visit their office hours to discuss the possibility of completing a Project with them. Upon their agreement to oversee your experience, the student should complete two steps: 

  • The student is required to register for the appropriate section of CEE 490 on Wolverine Access before submitting their proposal. 

Please note: Submitting your proposal does NOT automatically register you for the class. You must complete the requirements as outlined in the Q: How do I get an override for a course?

A: If the course is not a Civil and Environmental course, you will need to contact the department that offers the course and ask them about their override policies. CEE can only process overrides for CEE courses. 

If it is a CEE course, please send an email to [email protected], with your name, UM-ID number, and your desired lecture /section /lab/ discussion number(s), as applicable. All override requests are handled via e-mail, so you do not need to stop by the Student Services Office. Please note that we receive many override requests once registration begins, they are handled in the order they’re received, and we process override requests as soon as possible.

  • You must have a valid time conflict to receive an override.
  • The advising team has access to your class schedule, so please be accurate and considerate of other students who may need a certain section of a course.
  • Course overrides will not be provided due to personal preferences, such as, “I’m not a morning person. I prefer to not have classes before 10 am.”
  • Being #1 on the waitlist does not ensure you will receive an override for a course. Many factors are considered — such as class standing if the student needs the class to graduate this term, etc. — before an override is issued.

Q: How do I request a letter of verification?

A: Students may need a letter of verification for a variety of reasons. You may need to work with a few different offices or individuals to obtain such verification. If you’re unsure or have additional questions, email [email protected] with the details of what you are looking for.

The International Center and your Academic Advisor

  • Curricular Practical Training (CPT)
  • Optional Practical Training (OPT)
    • You will need to apply for OPT and take the online workshop. Then you will need to gather the relevant documents listed by the International Center before scheduling an appointment with your Academic Advisor.
  • Reduced Course Load (RCL)
    • Gather the following documents:
      1. Legible copy of your current I-20 (not including instruction page) or DS-2019.
      2. Copy of paper or print-out of electronic Form I-94.
      3. An Unofficial transcript downloaded from Wolverine Access.
      4. RCL Recommendation Letter
    • Meet with your academic advisor and request a letter, which will need to be printed on official letterhead.

Please Note: International students in F-1 and J-1 status are required to maintain full-time enrollment during the school year. If you cannot or will not meet this requirement, you must request a reduced course load.

University Office of the Registrar

  • The University RO can complete a variety of written verifications:
    • Verifications for enrollment, degree status, GPA information, credit hours, academic standing, class ranking, and tuition/fee charges
  • Students may obtain enrollment verification certificates free of charge through the National Student Clearinghouse Student Self-Service Site.
  • To obtain verification of degree(s) received or enrollment, a student may come to one of our Wolverine Services sites to place an order or complete the Certification Form.

Q. Who fills out the Michigan Uniform Undergraduate Guest Application?

  1. The first part is filled out by the student. The second part is filled out by Wolverine Services ([email protected])

Q. How to Apply to Graduate

  1. Graduation Application Process

Approximately 6-7 months before your anticipated graduation

  • Go to Wolverine Access to apply to graduate Apply for graduation via the Student Center section of Wolverine Access. If you are completing requirements in the Spring term, you should apply for Summer graduation, and don’t forget to RSVP online for the Michigan Engineering Graduation.
  • Prepare your degree senior audit. Early in the semester, verify with your Program Advisor(s) to ensure agreement and accuracy of your degree progress and those requirements left to complete – i.e. resolve problems such as missing grades, and missing transfer credit.
  • A final senior audit must be done to graduate. This includes an audit for your CoE Major, Minor, Honors, and/or Supplemental Studies, as well as an audit for Bachelor’s Degree requirements.
  • For students pursuing an LSA, Art, Music, Ross, and/or Social Work Minor, you must seek a minor release from your minor advisor and it must be received by the CoE Registrar, Room 145A Chrysler Center, before the end of the expected graduation term.

Q. Information on Commencement 

Spring Commencement  

Michigan Engineering Spring Graduation

Civil and Environmental Commencement Reception: The Friday before the Spring Commencement

Q. Useful Site and contact list to CAPS, UHS. RO, SSD, Scholarships

Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS)

University Health Service

Engineering Career Resource Center (ECRC)

Engineering Records Office 

Engineering Scholarship Office 

Services with Students with Disabilities 

Q. Tutoring

Engineering Learning Center(ELC)

Q. Can I declare PiSE after applying to graduate?

  1. Students have to declare PISE (or anything else) before they apply to graduate, in order for it to show on their final transcript. If a student applies for graduation before declaring PiSE and then attempts to do so after the semester has concluded, unfortunately, no provisions are available to add it retroactively.

Q: How do I submit a petition?

A: Any student can petition for modification of academic policies. However, only petitions that provide a reasonable justification as well as supporting documentation (if necessary), will be considered. For that reason, it is to students’ benefit to meet with an advisor and fill out the petition form carefully in order to provide all necessary documentation.

  • Meet with an academic advisor to discuss if a petition needs to be submitted, and what kind of petition is appropriate
  • Students submit a new petition or revise a petition via the online petition form
  • The CEE advisor reviews the petition to see if revisions are needed
  • The CEE Undergraduate Chair reviews the petition for a final decision

The petition process can take up to 4 weeks depending on the complexity of the petition and the completeness of documentation. You can always view the status of your petition in the table at the bottom of this page.

Please note: Any incomplete petition that has been submitted to the ASO will be returned to the student without a decision and will be reconsidered once it has been completed and resubmitted. For examples of completed petitions, please see the Petitions Examples Page.