Dyer Loan Program
Please see the announcement regarding the William and Rita Dyer Memorial Fund. This is a great opportunity for CEE students to receive a significant portion of their tuition as a subsidized loan.
Please see the announcement regarding the William and Rita Dyer Memorial Fund. This is a great opportunity for CEE students to receive a significant portion of their tuition as a subsidized loan.
Students may borrow up to $10,000 for in-state students and $15,000 for out of state students and receive up to 75% forgiveness of that amount – 50% for passing the Fundamentals of Engineering exam, and another 50% of the remaining balance for completing a master’s degree. This is truly a unique benefit available exclusively to students in our department.
To be eligible, you must be a full-time undergraduate student, in good standing, in a degree program offered by CEE, with junior standing or above.
Applications should be returned to [email protected] by Sunday, August 14. The University Office of Financial Aid makes the final decision and award entry based on number of applications, fund balance, and financial need.
View Dyer Loan Program packet here.