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Flannigan Earns First Prize in EMI Paper Competition

Civil engineering graduate student, Katherine Flanigan, was awarded the first place prize in the Engineering Mechanics Institute’s Student Paper Competition.

Group photo at competition with Katherine Flanigan
Katherine Flanigan at EMI Paper Competition

Students submitted papers on the thematic area of Objective Resilience. The submissions were evaluated by a panel of three experts and the top five papers were selected for presentations at the EMI 2017 Conference held June 4-7 in San Diego, CA. The judges combined the scores for the paper, the presentation and the answers given to questions from the audience to rank the competitors.

Katherine Flannigan’s paper, Contribution of Structural Health Monitoring Towards the Resiliency of Highway Bridges, was selected for first place. Flannigan was awarded a certificate and monetary prize during the EMI awards banquet on June 6.

Flannigan is advised by Professor and Department Chair, Jerome Lynch.