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Five students earn Rackham Predoctoral Fellowships

Doctoral students Elizabeth Agee, Byungjoo Choi, Heather Goetsch, Bharadwaj Mantha and Chia-Chen Wu have each been selected to receive a Rackham Postdoctoral Fellowship.

This fellowship supports outstanding students who have achieved candidacy and are actively working on dissertation research and writing. It is intended to support those who are working on dissertations that are unusually creative, ambitious and risk-taking. Criteria also includes research quality with promising results and excellence in professional leadership and service.

Agee is advised by Professor Valeriy Ivanov. Choi is advised by Professor SangHyun Lee. Both Professors Nancy Love and Krista Wigginton advise Goetsch. Mantha is advised by Professor Carol Menassa. Both Professors Nancy Love and Terri Olson advise Wu.

  • Agee: “Contributions of Root System Functional Response to Forest Drought Resilience in the Amazon Rainforest”
  • Choi: “The Role of Socio-Cognitive Process of Construction Workers’ Safety Behavior”
  • Goetsch: “Assessing Microbial Risks Through Production of Urine-Derived Fertilizers”
  • Mantha: ” Enabling Data-Driven Online Simulation Through Real-Time Multi-Sensory Robotic Data Collection and Fusion”
  • Wu: “Bacterial Colonization of Point-Of-Use (PoU) Drinking Water Filters and Associated Risks Due to Opportunistic Pathogens and Antibiotic Resistance”