Category: Faculty
Dr. Iris D. Tommelein Presents 2024 Harris Lecture
The R.B. Harris Lecture and Award was established by CEE in honor of Robert B. Harris, Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Michigan from 1947 to 1987.
Update: Overcoming workspace uncertainties for enabling adaptive co-robotized construction work
Seeding To Accelerate Research Themes (START) is a program in Michigan Engineering that provides a mechanism for faculty members to obtain funds for new and innovative research.
Listen to CEE’s newest Connections & Directions episode
DEI initiatives are essential in engineering programs.
CEE Connections & Directions Features Lissa MacVean
Dr. MacVean discusses CEE’s Strategic Directions and the importance of DEI in education.
Project team receives sustainability catalyst grant
Grant advances technical and behavioral interventions toward greater sustainability
Assistant Prof. Evgueni Filipov to Receive 2023 Leonardo da Vinci Award
ASCE EMI Award is highest given to junior faculty.
Prof. Lut Raskin Receives Simon W. Freese Environmental Engineering Award
ASCE’s Environmental and Water Resources Institute awards this honor.
CEE Prof. Victor Li Receives Top Global Ranking for Building and Construction Research
Ranking is based on authorship of research, citations and additional factors
Congratulations to Profs. Kamat, Menassa
CEE Professors Receive ASCE’s John O. Bickel Award
Harnessing Energy to Generate Self-Powered Automated Technology
Goal is to Use Nature’s Energy Against Itself to Protect Infrastructure
Congratulations to CEE Prof. Sherif El-Tawil for ASCE Honors
Prof. El-Tawil to Receive Raymond C. Reese Research Prize
CEE Profs. Daigger, Lee Receive Faculty Awards
Congratulations to our 2023 College of Engineering faculty honorees
NSF Grant Will Support Research to Reduce Wildfire Threats
Associate Prof. Ann Jeffers leads a team on modeling firebrand transport
Listen to CEE’s Evgueni Filipov on Our Latest Podcast
CEE Connections & Directions is releasing Season 2 of our podcast, called “Serving Our Community,” highlighting Assistant Prof. Evgueni Filipov and how he uses origami in his research and teaching. As we continue our discussions with faculty, we will also highlight students and staff members in future podcasts, and how they support our department mission,…
Vineet Kamat Earns Title of ASCE Fellow
Less than 2% of ASCE Members Achieve Fellow Status
Congratulations to CEE Prof. Krista Wigginton
Honored as Miller Faculty Scholar
Prof. Photios Ioannou named an ASCE Fellow
Less than 2% of ASCE Members Achieve Fellow Status
Congratulations to CEE Faculty on Upcoming Retirements
Profs. Hayes, Olson to retire on May 31, 2022
McCormick Is New Associate Department Chair of Undergraduate Programs
He begins new role on June 1, 2022